How often should you practice?

7 min readJan 13, 2021

In the forums and whenever anywhere, there is a heated debate about the best training method. In this article, I write about the differences between training methods (see picture below) and especially about frequent, or often training (more than 2x muscle group a week).

A different way to train, but the same result

Almost the same result (strength and/or muscle mass) is often achieved in a simplified way, usually in two ways:

  • 1) By training rarely but very hard“all-out”
  • 2) By training often, but a little lighter

Especially at the beginning of a workout, a wide variety of ways to train lead to a similar outcome in most people.

Pros and cons

Method1) Benefit: can train less and less often. Disadvantage: the attitude has to be hard and you have to work harder.

Method 2) Benefit: can work out a little looser. Disadvantage: need to train more and more often.

The advantages and disadvantages presented above are, of course, also subjective. Some like to train masochistically hard, some lighter, some often, some rarely, etc. Of course, there are other advantages and disadvantages, but no more of them here.

The differences between the species are great!

Almost all bodybuilders train with multiple programs and each muscle group infrequently, on average…

